Links to Other Organisations
The Black Country Geological Society
British Geological Survey
British Science Association
Craven & Pendle Geological Society
Cumberland Geological Society
East Midlands Geological Society
Edinburgh Geological Society
GeoConservation Staffordshire
Geological Society
The Geological Society of Glasgow
Geologists’ Association
GMRIGS – Greater Manchester Regionally Important Geological and Geomorphological Sites Group
Huddersfield Geology Group
Hull Geological Society
Leeds Geological Association
Liverpool Geological Society
Manchester Continuing Education Network (MANCENT)
North Eastern Geological Society
North Wales Geology Association
Open University Geological Society
Picture New Mills
Sheffield Area Geology Trust
Shropshire Geological Society
Stamford and District Geological Society
UK Fossils Network
UK Onshore Geophysical Library (UKOGL)
Westmorland Geological Society
William Smith’s Maps – Interactive
Yorkshire Geological Society
If you would like a link to your geological society or organisation to be included here, please let me know: