Manchester Geological Association
Privacy Policy 2018
Personal Data and Manchester Geological Association
An individual’s confidentiality is protected by the Data Protection Act and, from 25 May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) and the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2016 (PECR). Personal information supplied by members to Manchester Geological Association (MGA) will be kept on file, encrypted and stored securely on devices protected with recognised internet security software where appropriate; these data will be deleted once they are no longer relevant. Paper copies of Membership Application forms and copies of past Rules and Lists of Members (which includes addresses) will be kept securely, for historical purposes.
Membership Application (or Membership Renewal) and Gift Aid forms request some Personal Data and the applicant’s preferred means of communication.
Personal Data
These data include title, name, address, postcode, telephone number (optional) and email address (optional). This information is required to provide the service that is expected by an MGA member. These data will be stored securely.
The MGA will allow members’ information to be used only by others working on their behalf and also as required by law (e.g. HMRC for Gift Aid). The MGA will not share members’ information with other companies or charities for marketing purposes.
Members have the right to access a copy of the information the MGA holds about them (a subject access request) obtainable, subject to proof of identity, from the secretary:
Members have a right to object to the ICO (Information Commissioners Office) if they feel that the MGA is not handling their data in a satisfactory manner.
The MGA will ask members to provide their formal consent to receive their communications either electronically or by hard copy through the post.
We will use a member’s personal data as follows:
- To send MGA newsletters by email or by post, which may include:
- notices of MGA lectures and field trips
- Down to Earth Extra magazine – email only
- geological news and geological events held by other organisations
These will be circulated electronically to members who wish to receive communications by email. These emails will not show recipients’ email addresses (note: at present ‘Bcc’ is used).
- To post out North West Geologist issues where they cannot be collected in person at meetings.
- AGM (and SGM) information will be sent electronically or by post, as members choose (note: the address labels, for paper copies, are created by the Treasurer).
- Subscription information will be available electronically or by post. Members will be informed (by email or post) when there is a change in subscription rates. Also, these changes will be on the MGA website.
- Gift Aid – personal details of members are sent to HMRC (title, name, address and postcode) to enable the MGA to reclaim UK tax on subscriptions and donations made under Gift Aid. HMRC requires the MGA to retain information about this declaration for seven years.
Note: With the exception of notices for General Meetings (AGM, SGM) members can opt out of any/all of MGA communications at any time by contacting the secretary.
The MGA does not hold or store any financial data on the website.
Data transmission over the internet is inherently insecure, and the MGA cannot guarantee the security of data. The website contains links to other websites. The MGA is not responsible for the privacy policies or practices of third party websites. When members visit the MGA website, certain information is collected that does not identify them personally, but provides the MGA with “usage data” such as the number of visitors or what pages are visited most often. These data help to analyse and improve the usefulness of the information provided on the website.
AGM: Annual General Meeting
SGM: Special General Meeting
HMRC: Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs
GA: Geologists’ Association
Approved by Manchester Geological Association Council via email: March 2018
To be reviewed as required and in 2021