Manchester Geological Association
Constitution and Rules
As adopted at a General Meeting held on the 13th January 1925,
with amendments adopted on the 27th January 1931, 15th December 1931,
16th January 1968, 14th October 1970, 10th December 1975,
17th February 1982, 15th February 1984, 12th February 1997,
13th February 2003, 11thFebruary 2004, 17th February 2010, 12th February 2014
1. The Association shall be called THE MANCHESTER GEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION.
2. The aims of the association shall be:-
- to promote understanding of, and extend knowledge of Earth and Environmental Sciences and associated topics
- to hold lectures
- to hold field meetings
- to support geological conservation
- to support geosciences publications
3 (i) The Association shall consist of the following classes of membership:
- Full Membership which shall be open to any adult person (i.e. aged sixteen years or over)
- Associate Membership which shall be open to any other named adult residing at the same address as a full member and will share all the Association’s correspondence
- Honorary Membership, as defined by rule 6.
3 (ii) A member in (A) or (B) above shall be defined as one who has paid a current and appropriate subscription.
3 (iii) From time to time the Association will issue publications at special rates or free of costs. These will only be available to Full and Honorary Members.
4. All Members, subject to Rules 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12 and 13 shall have the right of attending meetings of the Association; of proposing or seconding candidates for election to the Council; of serving, if elected, on Council; of receiving information on the Association and shall have the right to vote at meetings of the Association.
5. Every applicant for admission into the Association shall forward a completed application form to the Membership Secretary. Until the candidate has paid their first annual subscription they shall not be entitled to any of the rights and privileges of membership. It is the member’s responsibility to keep the Membership Secretary advised of their up to date contact information.
6. Any person who has rendered signal service to the Association may be elected an Honorary Member on the recommendation of the Council at the Annual General Meeting. Honorary Members are not required to pay a subscription.
7. The annual subscription shall be determined from time to time by the Council and approved by members at a Special or Annual General Meeting. Subscriptions will be due at the beginning of the Association year, which shall be 1st January. Members who join on or after 1st November shall not be required to pay a subscription for the current year.
8. Any member whose subscription is three months in arrears shall, after one notice has been sent to the member’s last known address as advised by the member, be considered to have terminated their membership of the Association.
9. Any member may resign from the Association by signifying their wish to do so to the Membership Secretary.
10. Full and Honorary Members shall receive each issue of the North West Geologist.
11. Members shall have notice of all meetings. This may be electronic or written.
12. The Association shall be governed by a Council consisting of a President; one Vice-President; General Secretary; Membership Secretary; Treasurer; Field Excursions Secretary; Indoor Meetings Secretary; Webmaster; Newsletter Editor and up to five Other Members, all of whom shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting. The immediate Past President of the Association, RIGS representatives, the Association’s representative on the North West Geologist’s editorial team and the President of Student Geological Societies of the University of Manchester shall be ex officio members of the Council.
13 (a) Nomination for election as Officers and Other Members of Council for the succeeding year shall be made by the retiring Council. The list of nominations shall be sent to all members with the notice calling the Annual General Meeting. Members may make other nominations (proposed and seconded), except for the office of President and Vice President. These should be in writing and sent to the Secretary not later than three days before the meeting. If more than one candidate be nominated for any office, or if more than five candidates be nominated as Other Members of Council, then an election by ballot shall be held at the Annual General Meeting. In the event of a tie the President shall have an additional casting vote.
13. (b) Officio members of Council shall be deemed Trustees of the Association for Charity Commission purposes.
14. The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held in February for the purpose of receiving the reports of the officers; and an audited statement of the Accounts of the Association made up to the 31st December; for electing the Officers and Other Members of Council and an Auditor; and for transacting the general affairs of the Association. Members shall receive three weeks’ notice of the Annual General Meeting.
15. Members shall receive three weeks’ notice of Special General Meetings.
16. No alterations or additions to these Rules shall be made except at the Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting. Any proposed alteration or additions shall not be adopted unless agreed by at least three-fourths of the members present.
17. Minutes shall be taken of all meetings of the Council and they shall be entered in the records of the Association.
18 (a) The General Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of the Association and shall report to the Council all that relates to the business of the Association.
18(b) The Membership Secretary shall maintain a register of all members of the Association.
18(c) The Treasurer shall receive and keep an account of all the moneys of the Association. He or she shall produce reports when required by the Council and shall present accounts for each year ending on the 31st December to the auditor, in order that they may be submitted to the Annual General Meeting. All moneys received for the Association shall be paid into such bank as the Council may appoint. The Council may from time to time direct the Treasurer to make investments. Cheques shall be signed by two out of three signatories agreed by Council on all occasions.
18(d) The Indoor Meetings Secretary shall make arrangements, as directed by the Council, for the organization and conduct of all indoor meetings and shall conduct the correspondence of the Association in connection with such indoor meetings.
18(e) The Field Excursion Secretary shall make arrangements, as directed by the Council, for the organization and conduct of all field meetings and shall conduct the correspondence of the Association in connection with such field meetings.
19. The Association shall not be dissolved except with the written consent of three-fourths of such members present at each of two successive Special General Meetings summoned for this purpose. One month’s notice of each meeting shall be given to all members by post. Such meetings shall be held at an interval of not less than two and not more than four calendar months. If in the event of dissolution of the Association there remains, after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities, any funds or assets whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed amongst the members of the Association, but shall be transferred to some other organization having objectives similar to those of the Association. If and so far as effect cannot be given such provision then to some other charitable object.